The AT1 portable GPS tracker comes with the option to select 5 different smart battery modes depending on if you would prefer to prioritise frequency of location updates or length of battery life.
-10s Updates - The AT1 will send location updates every 10s.
-60s Updates - The AT1 will send location updates every 60s.
-1h Updates - The AT1 will only send location updates every 1h. In between 1 hour updates the device will go offline into a deep sleep state to conserve battery.
-6h Updates - The AT1 will only send location updates every 6h. In between 6 hour updates the device will go offline into a deep sleep state to conserve battery.
-12h Updates - The AT1 will only send location updates every 12h. In between 12 hour updates the device will go offline into a deep sleep state to conserve battery.
N.B when offline your AT1 cannot sync to a new smart battery mode. The device will only update to the new battery mode at the next location update timing.